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Home for Humanity

Home for Humanity is a global vision, and movement of integral changemakers and home-based movements and organisations across all continents committed to transforming our divided world into a ‘home on earth’ for all life. Theatre of Transformation Academy ignites and champions the transformative and creative power of humanity.

Professor Alexander Schieffer

Co-Founder, Home for Humanity (France)

 Dr. Rama Mani

Founder, Theatre of Transformation Academy, Co-Founder, HomeforHumanity

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Pranh Healing & Wellness PLLC is a mental health organization on a mission to support people in harmonizing mind-body-spirit through individual and peer- communities grounded in decolonial, liberatory practices.

The Soul Aligned Leader

The Soul Aligned Leader is a Masterclass Series designed and implemented by Soul Business Alchemy International.

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Foster relationships of understanding, care and reciprocity between the design community and the traditional, indigenous communities around the world, to support ecological and just coexistence in design and beyond.

Shakti Leadership

It is time for a New Leadership Model. On a new Power-base; that creates a world that works for all


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