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Wiebke Hansen

Following a classical left-brain corporate career, Wiebke trained with teachers of native wisdom traditions and now integrates both world views to a holistic understanding of all the systems at work. She supports revolutionaries, who love to question the old ways and don´t tire of scouting out the New.

Organizations evolve as their people grow. That is the focus of her consulting business: seeing where the natural evolution of people and their organizations become stuck – to then unstuck them.

Offerings By Wiebke Hansen

 Mother and Daughters by Wiebke Hansen


Mother and Daughters by Wiebke Hansen

Saturday, Jul 16 2022 @ 12:00 PM UTC - 1:30 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 16, 2022

The land keeps the score - Healing trauma held in Earth


The land keeps the score - Healing trauma held in Earth

Sunday, Jul 21 2024 @ 4:00 PM UTC - 5:00 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 21, 2024

Organizations By Wiebke Hansen

Business whispering

Organizations evolve as their people grow. That is the focus of my consulting business: seeing where the natural evolution of people and their organizations become stuck - to then unstuck them.

Other Facilitators

Imelda Almqvist

International Teacher of Sacred Arts and Seidr

Rebecca Saltman

Entrepreneur, Writer

Tatiana Speed

Coordinator, Visioneers International Network

 Dr. Rama Mani

Founder, Theatre of Transformation Academy, Co-Founder, HomeforHumanity

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