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Conscious Togetherness

Conscious Leadership Coaching and Consulting practice partnering with organizations, and purpose driven leaders to create cultures of wellbeing, equity, and peace.

 Kawtar El Alaoui

Leadership coach, Facilitator, and Mentor

Other Organizations

Peace Through Commerce

We are a strategic, global, and educational nonprofit corporation dedicated to creating a world where all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

AEIOU leadership

AEIOU leadership creates a space for collaboration and co-creation of sustainable business models.

Business whispering

Organizations evolve as their people grow. That is the focus of my consulting business: seeing where the natural evolution of people and their organizations become stuck - to then unstuck them.

Better World Cameroon

At Better World Cameroon we are creating a social movement that will help end youth unemployment and enhance sustainable development in Africa.


Happifeet intends to connect people to their inner selves through natures.

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