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Ellaeenah Spiritual Centre

Ellaeenah Spiritual Centre is dedicated to mind, heart, and soul empowerment, release from the stranglehold of the past, and providing awareness that can propel self-discovery and self-growth. Teaching, written articles, youtube videos, emotional health facilitation, masterclasses, and one-on-one work is provided on a global basis for youngsters and adults alike.

Ellaeenah  Niloufer

Spiritual/psychic mentor, Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner.

Offerings By Ellaeenah Spiritual Centre

Healing The Woman, Raising The Universal Goddess by Ellaeenah Niloufer


Healing The Woman, Raising The Universal Goddess by Ellaeenah Niloufer

Friday, Jul 15 2022 @ 12:30 PM UTC - 2:30 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 15, 2022

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