Healing The Woman, Raising The Universal Goddess by Ellaeenah Niloufer


For thousands of years, woman has been subjected to overt and covert subjugation and emotional, mental and psychological conditioning. Even the most enlightened women amongst us hold very clear traces and evidences of this past energy. For the Universal Goddess Energy to rise, these traces must be recognised and eliminated so that they stop perpetuating the schism between man and woman, and heal the resultant conflicts in, and between, both. The Universal Goddess Energy is genderless, and if women and men, both, are not healed, this Cosmic Creative Force cannot rise to its fullest potential to create a new world.

Session Date and Time: 15 July 2022, 6:00 PM IST | 2:30 PM CET | 5:30 AM PT

Duration: 2 hours



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