Truth & Reconciliation Work

From The Inside Out

Truth & Reconciliation Work

From the Inside Out

Inspired by the idea from South Africa to heal the wounds of Apartheid and unify their diverse races, we recognise that this is not a job for governments and institutions alone to lead in their countries and communities.

In parallel we saw racial riots triggered in the US with the killing of George Floyd, conflicts and clashes around the world between nations, classes, ethnic groups and polarized positions. There is a need to heal deep seated trauma and find one’s inner resilience and resources for self-empowerment, which is an inside-out process for every individual in a collective.


Safe spaces and experiences offered by our community practitioners
Healing Our Stories: Wisdom from Africa


Healing Our Stories: Wisdom from Africa

Saturday, Jul 27 2024 @ 5:00 AM UTC - 6:00 AM UTC

  • Upcoming
  • Jul 27, 2024

Interpersonal Relationships Between the Americas


Interpersonal Relationships Between the Americas

Tuesday, Jul 30 2024 @ 7:00 PM UTC - 8:00 PM UTC

  • Upcoming
  • Jul 30, 2024

Decolonizing Mental Health Practices for the Immigrant Community


Decolonizing Mental Health Practices for the Immigrant Community

Tuesday, Jul 23 2024 @ 3:00 PM UTC - 4:00 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 23, 2024

Decolonizing Tourism for Local Regeneration


Decolonizing Tourism for Local Regeneration

Sunday, Jul 21 2024 @ 5:00 PM UTC - 6:00 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 21, 2024

The land keeps the score - Healing trauma held in Earth


The land keeps the score - Healing trauma held in Earth

Sunday, Jul 21 2024 @ 4:00 PM UTC - 5:00 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 21, 2024

The Difficulty of Being Dharmic


The Difficulty of Being Dharmic

Sunday, Jul 21 2024 @ 2:00 PM UTC - 3:30 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 21, 2024

 THE HIGHER DREAM OF EARTH CITIZENSHIP: A Creative, Participatory Earth Agora


THE HIGHER DREAM OF EARTH CITIZENSHIP: A Creative, Participatory Earth Agora

Saturday, Jul 16 2022 @ 4:30 PM UTC - 5:45 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 16, 2022

 A Systems Approach to Peacebuilding by Phyllis Blees & Michelle Waters


A Systems Approach to Peacebuilding by Phyllis Blees & Michelle Waters

Saturday, Jul 16 2022 @ 3:00 PM UTC - 4:30 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 16, 2022

 The Secret Spice of Empathy by Iris Sadeh


The Secret Spice of Empathy by Iris Sadeh

Saturday, Jul 16 2022 @ 2:00 PM UTC - 3:30 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 16, 2022

Healing the Masculine-Feminine Schism Within by Kawtar El Alaoui & Manish Srivastava


Healing the Masculine-Feminine Schism Within by Kawtar El Alaoui & Manish Srivastava

Saturday, Jul 16 2022 @ 1:00 PM UTC - 3:00 PM UTC

  • Concluded
  • Jul 16, 2022

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Healers and Leaders stepping up to help individuals and communities
 Sonja Klopčič


Professor Alexander Schieffer

Co-Founder, Home for Humanity (France)

Jade Rehder

Healer, Guide

Kristin Engvig

Founder and CEO WIN

Ellaeenah  Niloufer

Spiritual/psychic mentor, Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner.

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Our allies that help make the world more humane
Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI)

Developed over 30 years, and conducted with thousands of participants on six continents, the Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) applies principles of Truth and Reconciliation to open new pathways to healing, respect, intimacy and collaboration between the genders.

Terra Meera

Terra Meera, a hub for regeneration and human potential, Regenerate Europe, a multisectoral platform promoting the pan-European regeneration movement, SHE - Sibenik Hub for Ecology, a women-empowered initiative focused on local organic farming and establishment of a seed bank, and Phoenix Arbor, a center for human development and innovative action.

Design Reparations

Foster relationships of understanding, care and reciprocity between the design community and the traditional, indigenous communities around the world, to support ecological and just coexistence in design and beyond.

Kabila Consulting

Kabila is an organisation and a movement committed to Cultivating Leaders and leadership that focus on sustainability AND scale.

Wild Roots

wild roots is dedicated to creating spaces for deep listening, connecting, and healing.

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What our community says about us

Dr. Ash Pachauri

The TRW is profoundly inspirational, healing, and compelling. Through this initiative hearts are propelled into a movement to support humanity, and peace, and leadership. Its inside-out approach makes it, by very definition, a positive change that is enduring and sustainable.

Testimonial Picture
Dr. Ash Pachauri

Founder, The Protect Our Planet Movement

Suzy Singh

TRW is an inspired initiative bringing together some of the finest minds leading spiritual transformation on the planet presently. Driven by a deep commitment to heal and accelerate the elevation of consciousness, TRW provides the ideal opportunity to enter into the sacredness of your own being. A must attend experience for seekers of truth.

Testimonial Picture
Suzy Singh

Author | Mental Health Coach

Sonja Klopčič

Truth is one of the corners of the triangle of the new age, replacing the triangle of drama. The struggle between the attacker, the victim and the savior should be replaced by a dance between truth, collaboration and love. TRW is the conductor in this transition between the triangles.

Testimonial Picture
Sonja Klopčič

Director, AEIOU Leadership

Dr. Neela Bhattacharya Saxena

As a presenter and participant in many TRW events, I can say with conviction that this is a significant initiative to bridge the aching gap between communities and genders, leading to worldwide dialogues, and sowing the seeds of peace and reconciliation.

Testimonial Picture
Dr. Neela Bhattacharya Saxena

Professor, English and Women's Studies

Wiebke Hansen

The power of Truth and Reconciliation lies in the gathering of so many gifted leaders and healers - bringing apparently separate topics under one umbrella: leadership of the future requires a conscious - and healed - person. This conferences provides a selection of excellent speakers to further your personal growth. Meet me there

Testimonial Picture
Wiebke Hansen

Business Whisperer


Perspectives, Stories & Resources from TRW Facilitators and Partners
Who is a Shakti Leader?

Who is a Shakti Leader?

The IDEAL of Shakti Leadership Who is a Shakti Leader?

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